I am a huge, huge, HUGE fan of I Spy books. My children (yeah right…it's really me) have every one of the books and I even did a whole I Spy window display once in which the riddle changed every week. HUGE FAN! So it will come as no surprise to you that I came up with an I Spy Christmas Ornament to make and share with you.
Bag of Bean Bag Fill (little plastic pellets)
80mm Two piece plastic ornament/ball
Miniature Christmas Tree decorations
Wire cutters (to cut hangers and loops off ornaments)
Jewelry glue
Fill the two halves of the ball 3/4 of the way full with miniature ornaments and bean bag fill. Put a piece of paper over one half and carefully sit it on top of the other half. Put a few dots of jewelry glue all around and gently pull the paper out from between the two halfs. Snap the two halves of the ornament together and tie ribbon in the loop at the top. My photo above shows a list of the items I added to the ornament. Even though I made the ornament I still had fun finding the items on the list! Silly Vicki. 🙂
P.S. This would be a great craft to use up some small crafting items you have.
Super great idea, Vicki! And a great way to teach small children the names of common Christmas icons!