Ok, so it’s not a whole rose garden but it’s a rose in a garden setting. 😉
I was remembering the other day how my mother and her siblings used to give my grandmother flowers or plants on Mother’s Day and how much she liked them. My sister and I often gave our mother flowers or plants on Mother’s Day too. And now, I often get flowers or plants on Mother’s Day and they are truly something I look forward to all spring.
Anyway, I love roses and I think miniature roses are super amazing. But why give a flower in a plastic pot when for a few more dollars you can dress it up and make it more special?
So the first thing I did was re-pot the rose bush and dig out some sheet moss.
I turned the saucer upside down, traced around it and cut the sheet moss a bit smaller.

I had to cut a little slit and a smaller circle to fit the sheet moss around the base of the rose bush.
Then I raided my stash of miniatures and decked out the garden portion of my gift. I have a picket fence, red wagon, watering can, clippers, two empty flower pots and a flower pot with a plant in it. I hung a ittle “Welcome to My Garden” sign as a final touch.