I will be at the Summit Lake Neighborhood Farmer’s Market once a month this summer. My first cooking demo is today and I will be making Garlic and Butter Green Beans.
I will be at the Summit Lake Neighborhood Farmer’s Market once a month this summer. My first cooking demo is today and I will be making Garlic and Butter Green Beans.
I created this recipe just a few days before my sweet French Angora bunny, Violet, was killed. I can’t tell her story for legal reasons. Not yet…
I find my self, at the ripe young age of 53, in a place where I’m trying to unlearn much of what I’ve been taught all of my…
Gardening in Ohio in March Expect the unexpected in March. Our gardens can be under a blanket of snow one day and showing signs of spring the next. Followed…
View this post on Instagram Piggies in the snow. 🙂 A post shared by Vicki O’Dell (@thecreativegoddess) on Jan 21, 2015 at 6:56am PST Barefoot in the…
There are two things I’ve done quite a lot of this winter – Drink tea and learn about herbs. But then, that’s pretty typical for me almost any…
Gardening in Ohio in February Don’t let that goofy groundhog fool you. There are six more weeks of winter coming your way. And, if you are like me, the…