Succulent Dish Garden

June 25, 2014

Succulent Dish Garden

June 25, 2014

Succulent Dish Garden


It’s not easy being me some days.

You see, I’m kind of a plant junkie. If I had my way my house would be FULL of house plants.

Flowers, vines and trees all over the place!

The problem is that our 1948 house has really deep eaves. Deep eaves are great for helping our old windows stand the test of time but not so great when it comes to being able to raise indoor plants.

It is really dark in here, people. 

So my only place to grow plants is in the kitchen. It’s a constant balance of enough counter space versus plants.

Hey! Now that it’s only two of us most of the time I need less counter space. Right? 

But I have still found a way to add some greenery using faux plants. Or in this case, faux succulents.

So I created this Succulent Dish Garden with faux succulents.

Here is how.


Succulent Dish Garden





Jute rope (I got mine at Lowe’s)
12″ Smoothfoam half-ball
10″ Smoothfoam disc
Hot glue
Aquarium gravel
Faux succulents
Hot wire cutting tool

1.  Use the hot wire cutting tool to remove a small amount of the bottom of the hollow ball so that the bowl will sit flat.

2.  To cover the hollow half ball in jute rope, begin about 2″ down inside the bowl and glue one end in place. Wrap the bowl in a spiral pattern up to the rim, over the rim, and then down to the bottom.

3.  Place the disc inside the bowl and glue it in place. You may have to cut it if it won’t fit down inside the bowl.

4.  Arrange the succulents in a pleasing manner and glue in place.

5.  Add aquarium gravel just to cover the disc and any bit of the inside of the bowl that shows.



Now, if you wanted to make this for REAL succulents (I’m totally jealous of you!)  you could line the Smoothfoam bowl with plastic and fill it with gravel for drainage.

OR you could put some gravel in the bottom and set small potted succulents on that and fill in with moss or aquarium gravel.


Are you a house plant lover? How do you manage to get enough light for your plants?



Vicki O'Dell

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  • Sandi P June 25, 2014 at 7:30 pm

    I fell in love with indoor plants when I lived in Germany. The house is shut for half the year there, and without plants the air gets very stale. I’m sitting here surrounded by ten houseplants right now. I put them on top of the shelves and even on top of the file trays! I just keep getting house plants, and the ones that survive I get more of. Since I live in the high desert now, I have more of a problem keeping ‘light’ (read ‘heat’) out of the house. I lose a few plants, but that’s the only way to find out what will live comfortably in my house. I don’t usually do well with succulents, but that looks so good I’m going to give it a try with live plants.

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     An ordinary life can be extraordinary and magic can be found in the every day.

    ♥ Midlifer ♥ empty nester ♥ breast cancer survivor ♥  Gardener ♥ Yoga Instructor ♥ Artist ♥ Writer ♥ Earth Energy Master ♥ Reiki Practitioner


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