If you are like me, going almost anywhere in the summer requires taking along extra stuff…an extra bag for towels, swimsuits, shoes, sunscreen, water etc. Why not make your bag fit your style or personality?
Here is a plain tote. BORING!

And here is a variety of fabric paints I had on hand.
I simply brushed on SoSoft fabric paint with foam brushes.
Then once the fabric paint dried I accented it with the Scribbles 3D.
Simple squares, spirals, dots, and squiggles over the brushed on color.
Having a one of a kind (find it in a pile of bags in the back of the car) tote bag doesn’t get any easier than this!
PS. This would be a great craft to do with a summer camp group. That way at the end of the day everyone can quickly grab their stuff and hit the door. 🙂