We mark time.
Birthdays, anniversaries, milestones, history, growth, accomplishments and more.
My brain likes to mark time. Big and small moments alike. I remember my life before one event or another and I can see how that event launched something new. Sometimes amazing, and sometimes, not so much. It helps me make sense of a life that has been quite a jumble.
I lived in this place and was with these people and then, BAM!, the thing happened and it all changed.
A few people have told me that I’ve lived 4 or 5 lifetimes already. I tend to agree with them – it’s been pretty crazy. Marking time helps me keep the jumble somewhat managed in my ADHD brain. This, then this, then that, and here we are.
This summer I’m marking two major life changes – 10 years of being cancer free and 5 years of living on my own.
The cancer shook me up and woke me up. The divorce set me free.
I’m healthier than I’ve been in a long, long time. There is more work to do but I can’t believe the difference. I sleep better than I have in many years and I manage the few ailments I do have with good food, meditation, lots of water, and moving my body. I’m peaceful, calm, and full of gratitude – MOST of the time.
I’m on my own for the first time in my life and as I scroll social media I see that I’m not alone. Many women are like me, in our 50’s, 60’s, or 70’s and finding ourselves out in the world on our own. Not because a spouse passed but because, for some reason, or another they no longer fit, or wanted to fit. And here we are.
A chance to connect with ourselves in ways we never knew possible. Peaches and Teddy Grahams for dinner? Ok. Going to bed early with a pet and a book. Great! Watercolor or pottery class? Let’s do both! Doing the laundry and running the dish washer once a week? Cleaning only when it bothers you? Bring it on!
10 years since I started working to heal my body and my mind. 5 years of healing the past and growing into myself.
It’s not been easy, in fact, it’s been a hell of a lot of work. There have been some changes I didn’t anticipate, and a few things I didn’t think I’d get through. But I did it! I look back and I’m pretty darn pleased with where I am today.
How are you marking time? Any big birthdays, anniversaries, or accomplishments you want to celebrate?
Hi Vicki,
I am sorry you have had to go through all the issues in your life, but each one has made you that much stronger. In my experience, we all underestimate our strengths, and are able to get through events in our lives that we never thought we would. Many times, like you, we emerge wiser and empowered to face another day. I hope you continue to enjoy your freedom and good health.
Hi Dianne,
Thanks for your comment. Yes, they have made me stronger and helped me to see who I am. Not a bad outcome. 🙂
Thank you, the sense of freedom makes me so happy!
Take care!
I was so happy to get your email. And….thrilled you are back to writing again!!! First Happy
Belated Birthday! You look wonderful in your picture love your shorter hair and glasses. I apologize for being MIA for so long. A bit of a rough year but I made it through. Mostly health
issues still cancer free but the rest of me seems to be falling apart! I have replaced enough body parts to last me for a while. New husband is a good guy (12 years not so new) took me three times to find the right one! We love to travel when we can. All grown kids doing well. I have a 2 year old grandson who is the light of my life. I’m sure you are enjoying your little ones as well.
I know I’m not the only who loves your blog and so enjoys your wisdom and knowledge
about so many things. You really resonate with all of us. Please be well and enjoy the rest of
summer. I know you and how busy you are but so glad to hear you are well and taking great
care of yourself. Happy for you dear friend.
Hi Cory,
So glad to hear from you!!
Oh gosh, sorry to hear about the health issues. One of the few downsides of growing older, I am finding. I hope you are doing much better now.
Thank you so much for your kind compliments, they mean the world to me.
Bright Blessings, Friend.