Like a lot of you I’ve been feeling lost since the election (and a very trying election season) and trying to find a way to do anything I can to heal the world in some small way. I know that a few people who read this blog feel differently but I know the majority of you would like to see more love and tolerance in this world. And I have felt in my heart that I needed to do SOMETHING.
But it took a while for that something to come to life.
I’ve been working on it day and night for a few weeks now and I’m so passionate about it.
I’ve created an online shop with the goal of having more than 75% of the items be Fair Trade and Handmade.
Right now it’s at 100% Fair Trade and Handmade!
I will contribute 10% of all profits to charity and each purchase helps another human being in the world support his or her family.
My hope is to grow it big enough so that I can give jobs to women in need here in NE Ohio.
I hope you will join me in adding good to the world by shopping at
Any feedback, ideas, advice, critiques, or support can be directed to creativegoddess at vickiodell dot com.
I have butterflies in my tummy and I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about this endeavor.
That’s how I know I’m in love and that I am following my passion.