I recently received this Artistic Wire Coiling Gizmo from Consumer Crafts and promptly created this Coiled Bead and Rose Quartz Necklace for Mother’s Day.
The newer model of the Coiling Gizmo comes with a clamp to clamp it to a table but I have the long 6 foot, folding tables that have a bit of a tall lip around the edge. The clamp won’t work so well for me. But then, the way the older model comes it’s hard to work with.
Except I found a way around THAT little problem.
I used my trusty Fiskars hand drill and drilled a hole in the center of a wooden plaque. With a Phillips screwdriver and the screw and bracket that comes with the Coiling Gizmo I secured the bracket to the plaque. Not only is your bracket more stable but it’s still portable.
Crafting on the go anyone? Why, yes. Don’t mind if I do! 🙂
If you would like to purchase a Coiling Gizmo, I’ll love you forever if you use my affiliate link. 🙂
I’ve listed both the older one and the newer one for your convenience. 🙂