It’s funny how we think that magic is for “other people” or we think that if it is for us that it has to be a major production. Magic is all around us, we just have to be willing to see it. Here is a list of ways to add more magic to your life or to help you be more present when it appears.
- Hang a prism in your window to scatter little rainbows throughout the room
- Surround yourself with inspiring, motivating, encouraging, women
- Invest in some gemstones and crystals after researching their properties and thinking about what you need in your life
- Walk barefoot outside – called Earthing
- Find a natural scent that makes your heart sing, and wear it every day
- Keep a worry stone in your purse or pocket to hold tight when you’re experiencing stress and anxiety
- Never stop playing, no matter how old you are. Play keeps us young. Pause in the middle of play to appreciate the feeling.
- Travel to strange places just to visit for a moment. Take a different route home or even a different route to the copy machine. You might be surprised by what you find.
- Make a wish when you catch the clock at 11:11.
- Try eating a new cuisine, or at least a new restaurant in your city, once a month for a year.
- Create new and/or full moon rituals.
- Create a ritual for each season.
- Be sure to take some time one day a week to tune in and connect with your higher self.
- Look into your astrological signs and find out more about where the stars and planets were when you entered this world.
- Get a massage. Body, head, back, feet, whatever! Revel in the sheer bliss.
- Make goals for yourself for each season, and work your best to cross them off. Give yourself purpose, build your self esteem.
- Buy a pink Himalayan salt lamp for your home to purify the air.
- Keep a journal of quotes that you hear or come across that inspire you.
- Do a guided meditation that specifically focuses on going through and drawing attention to points on your body.
- Lay or sit outside at night and look at the stars. The farther away you are from the city for this, the better.
- Get yourself fresh flowers often and put them in a vase and get a little bit of the outdoors inside. Pay special attention to colors, shapes and scents your flowers posses.
- Light incense or yummy smelling candles to stimulate your sense of smell and fill the room with good vibes.
- Create a personalized altar. It doesn’t need to have anything in particular on it, it can be anything that’s important to you.
- Color in a mandala, or make one yourself! Make a mandala out of flower petals.
- Look into Feng Shui and see if there are any changes you can make in the arrangement of things in your home. What message is your home and the things in it sending to the universe?
- Keep a journal of the dreams you have when you’re sleeping, and the ones you want to accomplish in your lifetime.
- Smudge your house to shed negative energy. Smudge yourself to clear or aura or just to repel mosquitoes.
- Take a flower petal bath with Epsom salts.
- Write a positive note to a stranger and leave it somewhere public, like inside a book in a bookstore, in a bathroom stall, or under a windshield wiper.
- Blow bubbles. Soap bubbles, bubble gum bubbles, whatever you have on hand.
- Create a ritual that is special to you. Do it once a month or just once a year to reignite your passion.
- Do something that’s worth photographing every single day.
- Research powerful women.
- Swim naked. Swim naked in the sea. Channel a mermaid.
- Hang a dream catcher above your bed.
- Make a vision board to state an intention, manifest a dream, or work on a project.
- Tell the people you love that you love them, in whatever way is the best for you. But make sure they know.
- Substitute TV watching for music playing or reading.
- Take the long way home.
- Look into numerology, pay attention to numbers that make many reappearances in your life and find out what they mean.
- Experiment with essential oils.
- Make rose water.
- Turn your phone off for a couple hours every day. Designate specific times to check your e-mail.
- Practice meditation, even just five minutes a day to clear your mind and heighten your senses
- Make some art in whatever medium speaks to you, or one you haven’t tried just yet.
- Take time to talk to interesting strangers, they might just teach you something.
- Try yoga, or at least sun salutations.
- Have orgasms multiple times a week.
- Practice mindfulness.
- Open up the windows in your house and let the fresh breeze take over you as you do chores, nap, or work.
- Decorate anything that can be decorated. Get colorful plastic circles to make your keys more fun, spray paint your picture frames, and never miss the opportunity to add something sparkly to just about everything you own.
- Join a drum circle, even if it’s just for an afternoon. The power of percussion will make you feel connected to people and the earth.
- Expand your vocabulary. Learn ten new words a week, and try to use them as much as you can.
- Get a professional tarot card reading.
- Learn how to read tarot cards for yourself.
- Change up your work space every month so nothing gets dull and you’re continually inspired to create and be your best.
- Say no to buying products that profit off of your insecurities. You don’t need diet pills, anti-aging cream, or spanx. You are already beautiful.
- Try something outside your comfort zone for the experience, the story, and to push yourself.
- Rotate your arms so your palms face the sky, and soak in the warmth of the sun that allows you to live on this beautiful planet.
- Write positive affirmations, quotes, and notes to yourself and stick them up around your house! On the refrigerator, the bathroom mirror, or near where you grab your keys before you rush out the door.
- Get a tattoo of something that means the world to you, so you have it with you forever.
- Get a palm-reading, and learn what the different lines on your hands mean.
- Collect sand and seashells from the beaches you visit.
- Make time for creativity every day, and remember there’s never a reason to be bored.
- Use something that you’ve been hoarding for a more special occasion. Today is the day.
- Spend time naked every day, more than just being in the shower. The longer you spend naked the more comfortable you become with your body.
- Blow the puffy white seeds off a dandelion and make a wish.
- Add confetti to the thank you notes you send in the mail.
- Have a surreal photo shoot, capturing some eccentric, magical parts of you.
- Spend as much time as you can with animals. Talk to them, sing to them, nap with them, connect with them.
- Light a candle as you say a blessing, wish, prayer, or intention
- Keep a Gratitude Journal to remind yourself of all the good in your life.
- Choose to stay outside in the rain. Take your shoes off and splash in puddles, forget your make-up, just get drenched and dance around.
- Make a powerful playlist that inspires you.
- Take yourself on a date once every week.
- Visit a botanical garden, art museum, or aquarium.
- Celebrate unusual holidays. Every day is special.
- Believe that you have the power to add magic to your life and change what you want to change.
What should we add?
I just started reading your newsletter, and i like what i see …. seems Hades didn’t get the best of you….
I too have been dealing in huge depression issues … not leaving the bed for days ….
recently made a huge move from the place i grew up in… 1142 miles away … i left so much behind … house goods books glass rocks …. thought i was going some place better, but found when i got here that the grass in not greener, no matter what you were promised …. thank you for the blog .. and the wonderful list above … thanks for sharing ….
Hang in there Jill, I hope things get better for you soon.