Almost spring

March 6, 2023

Almost spring

March 6, 2023
Gardening in Ohio in March

I think we’ll have an early spring this year. I may be wrong but my intuition and my allergies are telling me it is so.

I’m excited for it.

This spring feels different somehow. Kind of important. I feel like winter has lasted the last few YEARS and now it’s almost spring. FINALLY!

Three years of deep dark winter, curled up in my little den while the winds howled and the blizzards blew. Quiet, cozy, and snug – a place to rest and heal. Tea, therapy, journaling, yoga, and walking. I’m not going to lie, there was also plenty of chocolate, scrolling social media, junk TV, and eating comfort food too. Sitting under a blanket, with a pup in my lap, watching the snow come down. Doing the bare minimum and having the dust bunnies to prove it. Alone. Quiet. Hibernation for the body, heart, and soul.

I wanted to make sure that I healed well and good this time. Not just from the events of the recent past but a whole 50+ years worth of healing . Healing in order to truly move forward. To not be stuck in the same ol’ same ol’. To make whatever comes next the best it can possibly be.

Renewal. Rebirth. Reawakening. It’s what spring is all about.

I know it won’t happen in a flash. I’m still keeping close to my cozy den. But just like spring, I’m slowly unfurling, brightening, and turning my face toward the sun.

I have new garden beds to put in, a potting bench to build in the garage, (a garage door that needs repaired but we’ll talk about that later), creative projects, writing ideas, walks with my dog. And, at long last, visits with friends. I’ve truly kept to myself, only venturing out on rare occasion, but I’ve started to make it a point to do something with someone each weekend. And it’s been fun seeing my friends again. Getting reacquainted with who they are after the past few years – I’m not the only one who has changed. Laughing, hugging, and sharing stories. It’s all so good.

I’m glad I took that time and I know what a privilege it is. Not everyone can take a few years to be alone to heal. I worked 40-50 hours a week but I didn’t have anyone but my dog to answer to the rest of the time. I consider it all as something that happened FOR me. And I’m so thankful for it.

How has taking time for healing and rest helped you? I’d love to hear your stories.

I’m dedicating this post to a dear reader & friend, Cory. Thank you for the encouragement!

Vicki O'Dell

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 Hello, I'm your host - Vicki 

 An ordinary life can be extraordinary and magic can be found in the every day.

♥ Midlifer ♥ empty nester ♥ breast cancer survivor ♥  Gardener ♥ Yoga Instructor ♥ Artist ♥ Writer ♥ Earth Energy Master ♥ Reiki Practitioner


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