I find my self, at the ripe young age of 53, in a place…
Creative living celebrates surrounding yourself with handmade goodness – from the time you wake up until the time you close your eyes
I find my self, at the ripe young age of 53, in a place…
7 Ways to Jump Start Your Creativity I recently quit my “day job” teaching art…
just because you have an imagination doesn’t mean it doesn’t need some help to get fired up when needed. Your imagination requires care and feeding. Your imagination needs nourishment just like your body does.
I did it! I did it! I surprised one of the smartest people I’ve ever met – my husband. I am quite pleased with myself and I thought I’d share how I pulled off the biggest surprise party I’ve ever planned.
I’m more of a serial crafter. When I sit and try to find ONE THING that I want to do for the next few years and get really, really good at my brain freezes up and refuses to move forward like some machine with a widget stuck in the sprocket.
We just got home from a whole week in New Orleans. I wish I could say it was ALL fun ALL of the time but it wasn’t. The highlights include;
Like a lot of you I’ve been feeling lost since the election (and a very trying election season) and trying to find a way to do anything I can to heal the world in some small way…