How to Decorate your Home

August 11, 2024

How to Decorate your Home

August 11, 2024

How to decorate your home – the short answer is, “Do what ever you want.” But you know I have more thoughts on this. Otherwise, this would be a very short post.

So, long time readers will know that I used to work in television for various home decor shows. I also, for several years, created home decor and craft trend reports for the craft and hobby industry. I know my away around home decor and trends.

However, following the trends is another story. Let’s face it, I’ve never belonged to that particular income bracket. It’s crazy expensive to follow trends. Also, I have this thing where if it’s popular with the masses I want nothing to do with it. That’s just me.

I’ve always done my own thing. And that’s exactly what I encourage you do to.

home decor, living room, gray, brown
The listing photo

Anyway. This is the listing photo of the living room. This is how it was decorated when I walked through. Everything was grey and brown through the main parts of the house. And while I’m generally not one to “yuck your yum”. All I have to say is “yuck.”

You all know how I Love my color!

living room, color, green wall, moving day, home decor
January 2021, still unpacking

This is the same area right after I moved in. Moving boxes and all. I splurged and had all of the downstairs ceilings, the very high stairway, and this room professionally painted. It was well worth it for sure. They did such a great job.

living room, home decor, colorful, grandma core, ecclectic
This morning, August 2024

I was sitting here this morning thinking about writing and I decided to snap a quick photo with my phone. This is my living room in its’ natural state. Candles, twinkle lights, stacks of books, plants, a basket of stitchery, a basket of blankets, a notebook to write out my lists of things that sometimes get done, and a journal for the thoughts that rattle around in my head. And dog toys. Always dog toys.

Is it everyone’s cup of tea? Nope. Definitely not. Is it on trend? Ha! No.

I do love how the green walls change with the light, I love that some of my creative pursuits are only an arms length away. I still want to add to the gallery wall behind the chairs – it’s a work in progress. And I love that big window. It’s a good “sip and stare” with a cup of tea kind of window.

To me it’s cozy, comfy, HOME.

How about you? What makes your home special to you? Are you crazy for color or do you feel better with less?

No matter what your style is, I encourage you to decorate your home in your own way, with things that make you happy, things you love and let it evolve over time. Who needs to be on trend anyway?

Vicki O'Dell

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  • Cory Leach August 13, 2024 at 1:07 pm

    Vicki, I love your choice of color green! The wall behind the chairs looks great, any other type of
    wall decor (small pictures etc.) would have looked lost. Now your eyes are drawn there for a
    focal point statement for the whole room. Also I think the wall decor balances the room with your large window. “just sayin…..” lol

  • Mandy Williams August 11, 2024 at 1:05 pm

    Great room and I love the rug. I’m working on a pleasing way to have my “things” by my chair. Same stuff…stitching, yarn projects, and things to do list…and things I’d love to do list.

    • Vicki O'Dell August 12, 2024 at 8:27 pm

      Hi Mandy,
      It’s so easy to have a project basket and it’s also easy to have a project basket that takes over the whole space! I have to pare mine back often. Haha!

    The Meaning of Life with Vicki O'Dell
     Hello, I'm your host - Vicki 

     An ordinary life can be extraordinary and magic can be found in the every day.

    ♥ Midlifer ♥ empty nester ♥ breast cancer survivor ♥  Gardener ♥ Yoga Instructor ♥ Artist ♥ Writer ♥ Earth Energy Master ♥ Reiki Practitioner


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