This is a hard post for me to write but I’m afraid to NOT write it. I know that some of you will disagree with me and some may never come back to visit again. Yet, I can’t NOT write this post because I care too much.
You see, I’m watching bloggers, marketers and social media “celebrities” who are “staying on brand” by not speaking out. Staying on brand and not rocking the boat. But I’m watching them and thinking. How can you just sit there? How can you NOT say anything?
And then I think about you at home or the office reading this. I think about women reading this while waiting for kids at dance and women who are looking for a fun craft idea. And I think about who you are.
Not all of my readers are female. Or white. Or Christian. But the crafty and hobby industry is HEAVILY white and Christian. You might just be assuming I’m another Mormon mommy blogger because I haven’t said anything. And you might feel that I don’t care about you.
The truth is that I do care about you.
If you are wealthy, poor, or somewhere in between. Christian, Muslim or Jew. Straight, gay or trans. I care. I don’t care if your family has been in the country for generations or if you arrived just yesterday.
You should be allowed to live where you want, worship as you desire and love who you love.
And I can’t sit back and be quiet about all that’s going on because I don’t want you to think that I don’t care. Because I do.
You see, I’m lucky. And I know it.
I’m white, middle aged, cisgender, and I have a roof over my head and food to eat. I can travel most places without issue and shop without anyone watching my every move.
That’s a lot more than some can say.
I care that you get the medical care that you need. That you can go home to another country to visit your mother and come back here to work and join your spouse and kids at HOME.
I care that you’ve been living in this country, you abide by the rules, started a family, and now have to worry about being forced to leave.
I care that you want to worship in the tradition of your family in peace and quiet.
I care that you have more melanin in your skin, and to some, that makes you “less than.” I know that hurts you and it makes me sad.
It’s called empathy. And compassion.
I care about doing the right thing.
I care about diversity.
So I’m speaking up. Going “off brand” as it were.
I will march. I will donate. I will speak out. I will write, phone and boycott. I will do all I can with my limited resources and big mouth to make sure that compassion and empathy rule the day. Not fear and hate.
I care about you. ♥
Hi Vicki! Great to see that you have empathy and are being brave enough to speak your heart out, I applaud you for that, we need more women, men and children like you in the world. A world that is beginning to weight more on hate than on love, more on differences than in agreements, in separating people like we were things just because we might be of a different color, race, sexual orentation, religious creed, sex, etc.
I am from Mexico and I loved to travel to the USA, I have family and friends there, so I feel the pain so deep and close to my heart.
We (specilly midlife women) could unite and make a difference speaking up, starting in our families, friends, community and try to get all involved in kindness, empathy, acceptance, tolerance, things that make us brothers and sisters, not things that separate, denigrate, humiliate us and others.
I am with you, and thanks again for being a ray of light and hope
I agree Luz,
Midlife women have been around and seen the world. We have a lot to offer the world and if we could all get together we could make big changes.
xoxo Vicki
Beautifully stated. Like you, I scroll through my social media feeds and see bloggers – crafters, artists, home bloggers – continuing on with regular postings as if…as if nothing. I understand not wanting to “get political” but, as you do, I also wonder “how can you NOT say anything”?!
Thank you for this. I’m a Mexican American artist feeling lots of fear and often anger at the state of things right now. Thank you for speaking up. <3
Thanks for the comment Susie. I have a couple of Mexican family members who are super worried right now. It’s heart breaking. We will just keep fighting.
Bright Blessings,
THANK YOU! You have voiced what many bloggers feel – because it’s hard get psyched about paint when you are worried about health care or whether your loved one can get home. Thank you for this. I love that you wrote it and I love what you wrote. Bless you.
Thanks Karen,
That means so much to me. You are right, it’s hard to get those creative juices flowing when your brain is full of worry. I just have to keep believing that in the end good will prevail. And I’ll do all I can to help it be so.
Bright Blessings!
Beautifully said
It brought tears to my eyes
Thanks Vicki. I teared up a couple of times as I wrote it.
xoxo Vicki
P.S. If I had taken my husbands last name we would have the same first and last names. ????
Thank you for being authentic! I too care, and I know we have to do what we can and not stand idly by and do nothing. I plan to march, speak up, and do what needs to be done. We all need to show and share our empathy. Thank you, thank you
Hi Debbie,
Thank YOU. When one of us stands up and others join in we can bring about change.
xoxo Vicki
What a lovely post! It’s hard to imagine anyone disagreeing with your message of love and acceptance, but I imagine there may be a few. Oh well, I guess they can either “forgive” you for your heartfelt sentiments or move on. I’m not surprised at all that you feel this way about other human beings; empathy and compassion can be found throughout your blog.
There are more than a few who would disagree. But I’m glad we have each other. ????
A wonderful friend shared this with me today. And I agree with you wholeheartedly. It is time to be heard and stand for those values, rights, liberties. Thank you! And, I am standing beside you.
Thank your friend for me Marcia. We are a strong tribe. Strong women can change the world.
Right on, my friend. Right. On. We are a multitude of kindred spirits.
You are so right Kris. And it is wonderful! xoxo
It’s funny. None of what you posted today surprises me. I’m not a hard-core fan that never misses a word you write, but you’ve been on my radar for a long time now. I don’t even remember when I first heard of you, but I’m know it was over 6 years ago (my last move).
Just from what I’ve seen through the years, you have always struck me as accepting of everyone. Not sure if it is the wording you use or the stories you’ve told or even the crafts you’ve shared. I just know that what you said today is exactly what I would have expected you to say.
Still, took guts and I’m proud of you for making sure that your message is loud and clear. I can’t promise to start reading every word from now on, but I’ll follow along with you as long as you want to share your passions.
Oh Angela,

That is the nicest thing to write. You’ve got me tearing up over here. Thank you so much. Your support means the world to me. Thanks for sticking around.
I’m right with you Vicki. Standing by and doing nothing “because what can one person do” would be condoning the hate
Hi Carole,
You are so right. I may not be able to chance the world but I can change my little corner of it.
xoxo Vicki
Yay. Go you! Go all of us together!
Thank you Katie! We’ve got to stick together.
Beautifully written. Thank you.
Thank you Shauna! I appreciate the support.
Bright Blessings to you.
well said and I am in total agreement .

Thank you.
YES! I know that this decision was not a simple one. It takes courage, but sometimes not speaking up is tougher.
Thanks Carol, it was getting to me.