
I’m sitting at my little kitchen table in a shaft of bright sunlight, tapping away on my little tablet, and sipping coffee on an unseasonably warm morning in NE…

Diamond Dot Buddha

One thing I have learned during this healing process is that you can’t do all of the things you usually do and make any kind of real progress in…

A Healing Journey

Thank you to all of you who took a moment to comment on my last (first?) blog post. It was so wonderful to come back and see some of…

Hello Again

I’ve thought many times about how I would start this. I know I’ll edit this over and over and still feel like I don’t have it “right”. But I…

Herb of the month- Borage

Beautiful. Traditional. Functional. Therapeutic. Borage. It’s not only a favorite plant of the honey bees, but also bumble bees and small, native bees. It has served many purposes from…

The Meaning of Life with Vicki O'Dell
 Hello, I'm your host - Vicki 

 An ordinary life can be extraordinary and magic can be found in the every day.

♥ Midlifer ♥ empty nester ♥ breast cancer survivor ♥  Gardener ♥ Yoga Instructor ♥ Artist ♥ Writer ♥ Earth Energy Master ♥ Reiki Practitioner


All contents of this blog are under copyright of Vicki O’Dell. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A single image with a link back to this blog may be used but any other use of materials from this blog without our express permission is strictly prohibited. For questions, contact vickilodell at gmail dot com.
