Treadmills, Mud and Social Media

While I’m eating I check social media and again think to myself about how I spend far too much time on such things. I could actually be doing research rather than reading about the latest mean things going around social media. Or reading one of a few books I have laying nearby. 

Madness in the Garden and Gardening in Place

Sometimes my ideas are fantastic and they work out really well. This latest one however has turned into nothing short of madness. Definitely not my easiest or cheapest plan. You see, I have this working idea rolling around in my head about “gardening in place”.

That Feeling of “Now What”

I’ve talked to a number of women lately who are wondering what happens next. Now that my kids are gone, now that my spouse is gone, now that I’m retired. What do I do with myself? How on earth am I going to fill my days?
They turn to me and ask, “Now what

Your Health in Midlife

We are gonna drink, eat and be merry while the sun shines -to mix a metaphor or two. LATER. We aren’t worried one iota about our health in midlife because we are YOUNG. 

Midlife Friends, Don’t Clean House on My Account

As I go through midlife I want more of those friends who are happy to see ME at their door and not running around out of breath because they felt they had to do a mad 20 minute house cleaning. I would rather have a chat with someone who was calm and inviting and thought to put coffee or tea on. Someone who is looking forward to a meaningful conversation as much as I am. 

WTH Midlife?

What questions do you have about midlife? Even if you aren’t here yet it’s coming. A lot faster than you think!! 

Changing Course

I wrote last week about my big mistake and ever since, I can feel the rusty old wheels turning in my brain again. The car is moving – changing course.
