Out of the top 10 cloudiest states in the US Ohio ranks #8 according to this article at the Farmer’s Almanac. While it’s nice to know that we are THE cloudiest, sorry Washington, it can still be hard to cope with. Lack of sunshine is a huge problem for some people and it makes the winters hard to bare.
Sometimes you have to be your own sunshine. Here is how.
17 Strategies for Coping with Lack of Sunshine
- Laugh it up. Read a funny story, tell a joke, or watch a funny video.
- Help someone. Take a meal, pick up a dropped mitten, give someone a ride.
- Sing a song. Crank up the radio in the car and sing along or belt out what you can remember of a favorite old song in the kitchen.
- Move it! Walking, yoga, or stretching are good ways to work out stiffness and get your mind on something else.
- Say something kind to yourself. What are you good at? Remember the time you got through something difficult? Remind yourself.
- Talk to a friend.
- Meditate
- List things you are grateful for.
- Play music. Recorded music works just fine but if you play an instrument be sure to get it out and play around with it.
- Create a list of things you want to do when the sun shines again.
- Organize something. A drawer, closet, or shoe box.
- Notice five things you can see. Look at the details. Is there something you hadn’t noticed before?
- Clean something. The kitchen counter, dust the TV, or simply clean a mirror.
- Write a “Thank You” note, a short note, or postcard and walk it to the mailbox.
- List 10 things you like about yourself or your life.
- Paint or color
- Spend just 30 minutes working on an ongoing project.
What other coping strategies do you practice when you suffer from a lack of sunshine?

Uplifting Tea Recipe
As the sun is in short supply, support your nervous system and mental outlook with these uplifting and building herbs.
• 3 parts lemon balm leaves
• 2 parts St. John’s wort flower and leaf
• 2 parts milky oat tops
•2 parts spearmint leaves
• 1 part Linden leaf & flower
Blend herbs together. Steep 1-2 tablespoons tea blend in each 1 cup of boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Sweeten to taste with honey, if desired. Drink up to 3-4 cups throughout the day.