Who Am I Now?
I hear my friends ask that quite often these days. Over coffee, lunch, or out walking. “Who am I now?”
I hear my friends ask that quite often these days. Over coffee, lunch, or out walking. “Who am I now?”
I know, most women my age want something sensible or sporty. I just want a 1955 Chevy Pickup. It’s my dream car.
I’ve been feeling kind of stuck. And then, something happened that I didn’t like and I started the process of getting unstuck. Go figure!
There are plenty of things I like about getting older. It’s gonna happen anyway, if you are lucky, so you may as well have a decent attitude about it.
– She said, “I saw you at the doctor but you didn’t speak to me.” Ummm. Nope. I thought you were having a bad day or wanted to be left alone. I get it, I have those days sometimes too. Don’t look down.
My mom recently gave me this bowl that belonged to my grandmother Dixie Jarvis O’Dell it is a true family treasure
What does appreciation Look Like? How do the people we appreciate want to be appreciated?