This and That
I’ve been wanting to start writing again for some time now but I get caught…
I’ve been wanting to start writing again for some time now but I get caught…
Back in 2014 and 2015 when I was dealing with treatment for breast cancer and the after effects I read “Be Here Now” by Ram Dass and it struck a chord with me. The last thing I wanted was to be where I was then. Tired, in pain and full of fear. I only wanted to fantasize about how my life was going to look when I kicked that cancer to the curb. I wanted to think about all of the things I was going to do.
Transitions are hard. They are usually big life disrupters and they can knock even the strongest women for a loop. But here are a few things you should know.
The meaning of life is so hard to pinpoint because for each and every one of us it is different. We have different lessons to learn, different people to influence or teach and different ways to express ourselves.
He was mean and hateful when it came to people with even a tinge more melanin in their skin. My father, and much of my family, were racists.
I’ve been feeling kind of stuck. And then, something happened that I didn’t like and I started the process of getting unstuck. Go figure!