Vintage Tire Planter Makeover

September 10, 2015

Vintage Tire Planter Makeover

September 10, 2015


Tire Planter Makeover

Normally, my husband loves everything I make or do around here. Well, except for the last time I redecorated the living room with a bright blue walls and deer antlers. You can get the whole sad story here A Bold, New Paint Color for the Living Room Walls.

That was it. Just that one time. Until I brought home a tire planter.

I’ve seen photos of tire planters like this one on Pinterest for some time now and always kind of wanted one. I knew I’d never have time to make one of my own so when I stumbled upon a vintage planter at The Bomb Shelter  I had to snag it.


Tire Planter Makeover

When Warren saw it he literally groaned out loud. Apparently everyone in his neighborhood where he grew up in New Jersey had one and he was over them.

I think he said something like, “It’s the LAST thing I want in our yard.”

Yeah, I’m so uncool like that. 🙂


Vintage Tire Planter Makeover

So when I got it home I realized how scuffed up it was and decided it needed a good cleaning.

Then once it was clean I decided that white just wasn’t gong to cut it for this color lovin’ gal.

So I gave it a good ole’ Krylon Makeover.


Vintage Tire Planter Makeover

Green on the bottom (Ivy Leaf) and Yellow on the top (Bright Idea) and some mini petunia and sweet potato vines inside.

The petunias are just about petered out but that vine is still growing like crazy. I think the petunia will perk back up again when the weather cools a bit.

I’m kind of bummed that the ornamental grass type plant didn’t do any better than it did. I imagined it getting full and tall. But it had different ideas.


Vintage Tire Planter Makeover


This was an easy project and it’s looked great on that blank corner of the garage all summer. Plus it was easy to take care of. Just a bit of water and some fertilizer now and again.

An added bonus is that I won’t have to find a place to store it over the winter. I think the rubber will take the freeze and thaw cycles much better than a ceramic or resin pot.

Maybe I’m not so uncool after all?

What was the last thing you brought home that your SO (significant other) or house mate hated? 


PS – This is NOT a sponsored post. I just have so much Krylon spray paint on hand that I use it when I can. 

Vicki O'Dell

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  • Pamela Jenewein September 10, 2015 at 11:28 am

    I’ve always wanted a tire planter, but hubby never wanted to do the hard work. *LOL* I love yours… the yellow is fitting; cheery and inviting.

    • Vicki O'Dell September 10, 2015 at 1:45 pm

      Yeah, Pamela, turning a tire inside out looks pretty hard to me.
      Thanks for the compliment. 🙂

  • Ronnie Walter September 10, 2015 at 9:35 am

    I love it! My parents had a few of these and my mom referred to them as the Firestone Memorial Gardens–after all we were in Akron at the time!

    • Vicki O'Dell September 10, 2015 at 1:45 pm

      Haha Ronnie. I live just outside Akron. I’ll have to investigate and see who made this tire. Didn’t think to look.

    The Meaning of Life with Vicki O'Dell
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     An ordinary life can be extraordinary and magic can be found in the every day.

    ♥ Midlifer ♥ empty nester ♥ breast cancer survivor ♥  Gardener ♥ Yoga Instructor ♥ Artist ♥ Writer ♥ Earth Energy Master ♥ Reiki Practitioner


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