Hey there Ladyfriend. I know you’ve probably been searching the web and your own mind looking for an answer to that “What do I do Now” question.
I’ve written about it here, here and here. It’s a pretty common question for women.
Seems we land in those “what now? ” phases a few times in life. Doesn’t it?
But the biggest one is when the kids leave home and your time is your own again. It finds us asking ourselves all sorts of questions.
Over. And over. And over again.
Here is another question you might try asking yourself if you are trying to find the way forward.
What is important?
Or “What is important to ME?” if you are looking in the mirror when asking.
Is it important to create a home environment where you and your family feel safe and cherished?
Is it important to help other women or support women in business?
Is it important that your time is your own and not the property of someone who is making money from your labor?
Is it important to FINALLY get a handle on your health in midlife?
Is it important to give back to the community around you?
Is it important that you make your own money or finally finish your education?
Is it important to still be there for your family while doing a few things you love?
Is travel something that you really want to experience now that you are a free agent?
Finding an answer to this question might be a beginning step in figuring out where you want to go next.
I’m a ways from dealing with this question as the kiddo is only going into 5th grade this year. However, I saw an episode of a tween’s Disney show with him the other evening that I found interesting, Andi Mack. Long short, Andi is ~13, her mom only in her very early 30’s and getting her life in order. The store mom works for was just bought by grandmom, “Cici” and the two are going to turn it into a boutique. However, granddad, “Pops” and Cici’s original long-term plan was that they were going to travel, something put off by raising a granddaughter and now starting a business. Pops said that while the travel dream was back burnered for a while and changed for Cici, it’s still his dream. He’s made plans to go to India for a spiritual retreat and then he doesn’t know where he’s going to travel to but he’s going to do it, even if it’s on his own. I appreciated that they designed characters that were allowed to change their minds and go about big ventures, and ones that still want to follow their dreams even if going about it differently than originally intended.
Hi Jen,
I’m sure you’ve heard over and over again how fast it goes. Because it’s true. 🙂
xoxo Vicki
Most definitely!
Well said.
Thanks Linda.