I’m a magazine junkie from way back. There was a time when I was receiving around 7 or 8 different magazines. But then I ended up with all of that paper just lying around.
I couldn’t just throw them away.
After all, I paid good money for them and I just know there is an idea in there I’m going to NEED one day.
Yet, I rarely ever sorted through the stacks to find inspiration or new recipes.
Then I started tearing out and filing images and inspiration. I had a drawer (maybe two? OK. It was TWO) full of files of cut-out images and such that I wanted to keep.
That I never looked at!
And then along came Pinterest. A place where I could store very similar ideas and have it available any time, day or night.
Without dust bunnies!
So I cut WAY back on the number of magazines I subscribed to.
Partly because of all of the clutter and also because they seemed to re-hash the same content year after year. I’d look at the Halloween issue of X magazine in 2015 and realize it was very similar to the Halloween issue of X magazine from 2013. UGH!
A few magazines have come along that I’ve ALMOST subscribed to but the ones I enjoy are super expensive.
I also enjoy random purchases of Stampington magazines but they have become repetitive too. The same look, the same feel, the same artist. Over and over. In fact, I started calling the jewelry magazine the insert artist name here magazine. I buy them on occasion at the check out but I don’t subscribe.
Taproot Magazine.
Taproot got my attention. No ads. No repetition. Real information about the life I’ve chosen to live.
I even went back and purchased a few of the earlier editions that appealed to me.
I keep them on the corner of my desk and look at them while my brain is cranking out ideas or just trying to decide what to tackle first on my to-do list.
I grab a few from the stack as I’m headed out the door for a weekend or possible waiting time in a doctor’s office.
I don’t mind looking at them over and over. It’s repetition I CHOOSE.
What can you expect to find in Taproot Magazine?
- Recipes – everything from canning and putting by to sweet treats and tonight’s dinner
- Articles about people who grow, make, and produce
- fine art illustrations
- amazing photos
- craft projects to make yourself – with complete instructions and patterns if needed
- Articles on herbs or natural food sources that you’ve probably never even heard of even though you walk by it nearly every day
- Seasonal and holiday celebration ideas
Thank you Taproot for providing a lovely magazine that feeds my brain as well as my creative, lady farmer soul.
What is in the magazine, “Taproot”? I have no idea. Maybe good to let everyone know. I would
appreciate your comments.
Ahhh, thank you for bringing that to my attention Jeannine. It was definitely a key bit of information that needed to be included.
I’ve edited the post with a list of information you might find in any given issue of Taproot.
xoxo Vicki