Fifty and Other F-Words

If you are nearing fifty you’ll want to have this book on hand. It’s kind of like the beginners manual for the great sisterhood of those who have been there, done that, and used the T-shirt to wipe away under-boob-sweat. 

Goals for May

It felt like winter was never going to let go here in NE Ohio. In much of the US for that matter. But here we are in May. Time to get outside, clean up the mess winter left behind, plant things, eat fresh veggies, and make pretty things. 

Permaculture and Women Over 50

I’ve turned to the beautiful, young people in the gardening world, learning what I can about permaculture practices so I can keep gardening for a good, long time. Permaculture and women over 50 go hand-in-hand. Or at least they should. 

No Use Crying Over Spilled Milk

My grandma used to say “No use crying over spilled milk” now and then when I was a little girl. I didn’t understand it at first – especially when I hadn’t even had milk. Or spilled it. Be grateful that you can pour another cup of milk. Or that you had a floor, or table, to spill it on. 

The Wheel of the Year

I do love circles and spirals. In art, the garden, every day life, and even my coffee. So the concept of a year being part of a wheel speaks to me. As in, “the wheel of the year”, used to divide up the seasons of the year. 

The Meaning of Life with Vicki O'Dell
 Hello, I'm your host - Vicki 

 An ordinary life can be extraordinary and magic can be found in the every day.

♥ Midlifer ♥ empty nester ♥ breast cancer survivor ♥  Gardener ♥ Yoga Instructor ♥ Artist ♥ Writer ♥ Earth Energy Master ♥ Reiki Practitioner


All contents of this blog are under copyright of Vicki O’Dell. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. A single image with a link back to this blog may be used but any other use of materials from this blog without our express permission is strictly prohibited. For questions, contact vickilodell at gmail dot com.
