They are here! I finally picked up quail chicks. I wrote a few times last year about how I wanted to give raising a few quail a try but that my mister was dead set against it.
A couple of months later I started talking about goats. You know, to milk and breed and make cheese?
Suddenly, quail seemed like a dandy idea!
Not that I did that on purpose but I’m slowly turning into my maternal grandmother and going back to my farmer roots. Besides, there are so few people around here for this nurturing type to take care of these days.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
But hey, the quail babies are here! I refer to them collectively as “the nuggets”.
Now, I was only going to get FOUR of them. I wanted 1 rooster and 3 hens.
It turns out that at this age it’s hard to tell the sex and I wanted to start with fluffy quail chicks.
Plus, I’ve not raised quail before (My grandmother had tons of chickens) and I was afraid I might lose one or two.
So I asked for 8 and he “gave me an extra one”.
Yeah. I have nine quail chicks!
I thought that extra chick looked rather sickly the first day but she perked up after a day and seems to be doing fine. She’s a little smaller than the rest but she’s a trooper!
It only took about 4 days for this fella to start escaping the Rubbermaid bin. I’m just gonna assume it’s a rooster because he’s so incorrigible.
And you can see how fast they changed in just a few days. Quail grow up FAST!
I’m sure I’ll be back with more updates as we are building a more permanent home for them and will be moving them outside to the gardens.
I have two neighbors with chickens and now I have quail. We’ll be swimming in eggs before too long!
I hope all your quail stay healthy and lay lots of eggs for you. I follow another blog , Garden Up Green, that you might find interesting. Carol also raises quail and has written a book about them.
Thanks for the tip Janet, I will go check her out.
HI Vicki
They are adorable. I hope for their sake and yours that you have no fox families living close by.
I’m just wondering how many eggs it will take to equal on extra large chicken age
Trust me to think of a question like that…
I think it takes 4-6 quail eggs to equal 1 chicken egg Vicki but they are more nutrient dense.
They are in a coop – safe from predators.
Vicki, you might enjoy the blog Garden Up Green. Carol also raises quail. Hope yours grow to lay lots of eggs.
Congratulations! I figured it was only a matter of time…. Your hubby is not such a “hard nose” and he really would do anything to make you happy – including building roost! LOL
Well, I wouldn’t press him on the goat thing. He was pretty adamant about that one! :O)
One big change at a time>>>
Ah, so cute! And, in time, quail’s eggs – scrumptious! Best of luck with your new endeavour.
Thanks a bunch, Anne.